
Welcome to Traditional Nourishment.   It’s my joy to share with you my adventures in finding new or rediscovering old ways to bless my family.  This blog will give tutorials on fermenting foods, home projects, soap making, and many other topics but will use them to drive home the more important topic of blessing our families.  Shortly I’ll post a short tutorial on how to make your own sauerkraut, but first a little about  me.

I’m a stay at home mom of four ( soon to be five children) who also homeschools.  I serve God with all my heart, from that flows the love and devotion I pour over my family.  I stumbled onto many of these projects out of necessity either from needing to cut the budget or by needing to modify our diet because of allergies.  Slowly its evolved into a deeper understanding of how God has made our bodies so fearfully and wonderfully, along with how creation fits into it, blessing us further by it’s nourishment.  Some of the topics I’ll introduce will be new, some will be age old but all will be to bless your family, as they have blessed mine.

So, welcome. God’s blessing on you, and let’s have some fun together.